IFRS conversion - banking and capital markets

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22 Feb 2009

As acceptance of IFRSs in the United States becomes closer, more banks and capital markets institutions are asking key questions: How does IFRS affect my institution? What events would influence my institution's pace of IFRS adoption? What obstacles might we need to consider? Understanding the implications of IFRS for the banking and capital markets industry for accounting and finance, systems, and tax Reviewing key differences between IFRSs and US GAAP Evaluating approaches to IFRS conversion Developing an IFRS road map IFRS lessons from the European experience .

The Path to IFRS Conversion – Considerations for the Banking and Capital Markets Industry (PDF 267k), from Deloitte United States, addresses these issues and includes useful sections on:
  • Understanding the implications of IFRS for the banking and capital markets industry for accounting and finance, systems, and tax
  • Reviewing key differences between IFRSs and US GAAP
  • Evaluating approaches to IFRS conversion
  • Developing an IFRS road map
  • IFRS lessons from the European experience


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