Analyst Representative Group will meet 25 February

  • Analyst Representative Group (ARG) (mid blue) Image

17 Feb 2009

The IASB will meet with the Analyst Representative Group on 25 February 2009, 9:00am to 4:30pm at the IASB Offices, 30 Cannon Street, London.

The meeting is open to public observation. Topics on the agenda are:
  • Current reporting issues
  • Earnings per share: Next steps following the ED
  • Post-employment benefits: Improvements to disclosures
  • Revenue recognition: Overview of changes to current practice proposed in the December 2008 DP
  • Update on work programme
  • Financial statement presentation: Direct method cash flows and the reconciliation statement plus overall impressions of the DP
  • Emission rights: Consideration of alternative accounting models


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