G30 recommendations on fair value accounting
20 Jan 2009
On 15 January 2009, The Group of Thirty released a report Financial Reform: A Framework for Financial Stability. The report addresses flaws in the global financial system and provides 18 specific recommendations to: improve supervisory systems; enhance the role of the central banks; improve governance practices and risk management; address pro-cyclicality; enhance accounting practices; strengthen the financial infrastructure; and increase coordination internationally.
Core recommendations in the Group of Thirty report: Financial Reform: A Framework for Financial Stability Core Recommendation I Gaps and weaknesses in the coverage of prudential regulation and supervision must be eliminated. All systemically significant financial institutions, regardless of type, must be subject to an appropriate degree of prudential oversight. Core Recommendation II The quality and effectiveness of prudential regulation and supervision must be improved. This will require better-resourced prudential regulators and central banks operating within structures that afford much higher levels of national and international policy coordination. Core Recommendation III Institutional policies and standards must be strengthened, with particular emphasis on standards for governance, risk management, capital, and liquidity. Regulatory policies and accounting standards must also guard against procyclical effects and be consistent with maintaining prudent business practices. Core Recommendation IV Financial markets and products must be made more transparent, with better aligned risk and prudential incentives. The infrastructure supporting such markets must be made much more robust and resistant to potential failures of even large financial institutions. |
One of the specific recommendations under Core Recommendation III relates to 'Fair Value Accounting':
Fair Value Accounting – Recommendation 12: