Comments invited on 2009 IFRS XBRL taxonomy

  • XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) (mid blue) Image

13 Jan 2009

The International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation has invited comments, by 12 March 2009, on the near final version of the IFRS XBRL Taxonomy 2009. The Taxonomy is a translation of International Financial Reporting Standards as issued at 31 December 2008 into XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).

The XBRL computer language has been developed specifically for automating the reporting of business information. XBRL allows companies, regulators, investors, analysts, and others using the IFRS Taxonomy 2009 to file, access, and compare IFRS financial data more easily. The near final version of the IFRS Taxonomy 2009 may be downloaded without charge from The IASCF expects to release the final version in early April 2009, when it will also be freely available. Click for Press Release (PDF 44k).


Correction list for hyphenation

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