Deloitte IFRS curriculum materials are now available

  • Accounting education (old) Image

07 Jan 2009

Deloitte (United States) is making available a complete set of IFRS course materials through Deloitte's IFRS University Consortium.

Featuring on-campus lectures and transcripts from Deloitte subject matter leaders, actual case studies and case solutions, and other materials, the course is available free to all colleges and universities. Course materials are divided into eight sessions, with each session containing a unique set of presentations, case studies, and lecture notes. The materials include a detailed introduction to IFRS and provide an overview of the differences between IFRS and US generally accepted accounting principles. Specific topics covered in the Deloitte IFRS curriculum materials include:
  • financial statement presentation;
  • revenue, inventory and income tax;
  • business combinations, discontinued operations and foreign currency;
  • intangibles and leases;
  • property and asset impairment;
  • provisions, pensions and share-based payments;
  • financial instruments; and
  • consolidation policy, joint ventures and associates.
For more information about Deloitte's IFRS University Consortium please go to the website: Links to the course materials are Here.


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