Webcasts on IAS 39 – expected loss model

  • Webcast (mid blue) Image

30 Jun 2009

On Friday 3 July 2009 and again on Monday 6 July 2009, the IASB will host two live webcasts to keep interested parties up to date on progress of the IASB's comprehensive project to replace IAS 39. The webcasts will focus on the Board's recently published Request for Information on the feasibility of an expected loss model.

The webcasts will include presentations by two IASB project staff people followed by a Q&A session where registered participants can send in questions for the IASB staff to answer. Each webcast, including the question and answer session, is expected to last around one hour. Details of the webcasts:
  • Webcast Topic: Project to comprehensively review IAS 39 – Expected loss impairment model
  • Date and Time - First Webcast: Friday 3 July 2009 10:00am (London time)
  • Date and Time - Second Webcast: Monday 6 July 2009 3:00pm (London time)
  • Presenters: Sue Lloyd, Senior Technical Consultant and Martin Friedhoff, Project Manager
  • More Information and Registration
  • Project Page on IASB Website
  • Project Page on IAS Plus


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