Agenda for 22-23 June 2009 SAC meeting

  • SAC (Standards Advisory Council) (mid blue) Image

18 Jun 2009

The International Accounting Standards Board will meet with the Standards Advisory Council (SAC) on Monday and Tuesday, 22 and 23 June 2009, at the Renaissance Chancery Court Hotel, 252 High Holborn, London.

The meeting will be open to public observation all day Monday and Tuesday morning. The agenda is presented below.

Standards Advisory Council Meeting Agenda -- 22-23 June 2009, London

Monday 22 June 2009

  • Opening remarks
  • Consistency of application of IFRSs
  • Overview of last four months
    • IASB Activities
      • Financial Crisis
      • Convergence Projects
      • Other activities
    • SAC Member activities
    • IASB priorities
  • Financial Instruments
  • How should the IASB respond to urgent matters?

Tuesday 23 June 2009 (morning only)

  • Financial Instruments - continued
  • Financial statement presentation and other comprehensive income
  • Constitutional Review (Part 2)


Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.