CEBS invites comments on financial reporting

  • European Union (old) Image

11 Mar 2009

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) has invited comments on proposed amendments to the Guidelines on Financial Reporting (FINREP). Comments are due 10 June 2009.

CEBS will hold a public hearing on 27 May 2009 at its offices in London. The original FINREP was issued in December 2005 with the goals of increasing the comparability of financial information reported to different supervisors within the EU, increasing the cost-effectiveness of supervision across the EU, reducing reporting burden on cross-border credit institutions, and removing a potential obstacle to financial market integration. CEBS is proposing to amend FINREP to 'streamline financial reporting and achieve a greater degree of harmonisation'. Click for CEBS Press Release (PDF 20k).

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