IASB webcasts on leases discussion paper

  • Webcast (mid blue) Image

07 May 2009

On 13 May 2009, the IASB will host two live webcasts introducing the joint IASB-FASB discussion paper Leases: Preliminary Views.

The DP was published on 19 March 2009, with comments due by 17 July 2009. In the DP the IASB and the FASB propose a possible new model for lease accounting. The model is based on the principle that all leases give rise to liabilities for future rental payments and assets (the right to use the leased asset) that should be recognised in the lessee's statement of financial position. The live web presentation will include an interactive question and answer session. Questions can be submitted on-line during the presentation. Instructions will be given at the beginning of the presentation. Details:
  • Webcast Topic: Joint IASB-FASB discussion paper Leases: Preliminary Views
  • Date: Wednesday, 13 May 2009
  • Times: 9:30am (London time) and again at 15:30pm (London time)
  • Presenters: Jan Engstrom, Member of the Board. and Rachel Knubley, Senior Project Manager


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