Deloitte IFRS for SMEs newsletter in Spanish

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25 Nov 2009

Deloitte (Colombia) is publishing a series of Spanish language bulletins about the new IFRS for SMEs.

We have now posted Bulletin No 20 (24 November 2009), which discusses the following sections of the IFRS for SMEs:
  • Sec 24 Subvenciones Gubernamentales (Government Grants)
  • Sec 25 Costos por Préstamos (Borrowing Costs)
  • Sec 26 Pago Basado-en-acciones (Share-based Payment)
  • Sec 27 Deterioro del Valor de los Activos (Impairment of Assets)
Click to Download Bulletin 20 (PDF 246k). Nuestros Recursos en Español.


Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.