Agenda for November joint IASB/EFRAG meeting announced

05 Nov 2010

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) will hold a joint meeting in London on 12 November 2010.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) will hold a joint meeting in London on 12 November 2010.

Presented below is the agenda for the meeting.

IASB/EFRAG joint meeting
12 November 2010, London
  • Is there a June 2011 deadline?
  • Revenue recognition
  • Leases
  • Financial instruments
    • Hedge accounting
    • Impairment
    • Other financial instruments issues
  • Consolidation
  • Insurance
  • Financial statements presentation (including OCI)

Click for EFRAG press release (link to EFRAG website).

Trustees seek public comment on the future strategy of the IFRS Foundation

05 Nov 2010

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation, the oversight body of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), today published a first-stage consultation document designed to solicit input on the strategy of the IFRS Foundation as it enters its second decade.

The Trustees initiated this review as a result of the second Constitution Review that was completed earlier this year.

The Trustees are seeking views of stakeholders on four strategic fronts:

  • the IFRS Foundation's mission
  • governance
  • the standard-setting process
  • financing of the IFRS Foundation

The Trustees invite public comment on the consultation document by 31 December 2010 and expect to conclude the strategy review during their meeting in March 2011. Click for:


Newsletter on the IASB's request for views concerning transition and effective dates

05 Nov 2010

Deloitte's IFRS Global Office has published an IFRS in Focus Newsletter – IASB issues request for views seeking input on transition and effective dates for certain IASB projects.

This newsletter describes the recently published request for views that seeks input from stakeholders on the time and effort that will be involved in implementing the new IFRSs expected to be issued next year. The request for views asks questions about the appropriate transition methods and effective dates for the future standards and includes considerations relating to convergence with US GAAP and first-time adopters of IFRSs.

Click for:


Notes from the November 2010 Interpretations Committee meeting

05 Nov 2010

The IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) met at the IASB's offices in London on Thursday and Friday, 4-5 November 2010.

The topics discussed were as follows (click through to detailed Deloitte observer notes for that topic):

Click here to go to the preliminary and unofficial Notes Taken by Deloitte Observers for the entire meeting.

IFRS Taxonomy 2010 updated for enhanced derecognition disclosure requirements for transfer transactions of financial assets

05 Nov 2010

The IFRS Foundation today released an interim release for the IFRS Taxonomy 2010, which is a translation of IFRSs as issued at 1 January 2010 into XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).

This IFRS Taxonomy release reflects Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets (Amendments to IFRS 7), which was issued by the IASB in October 2010.

Click for:


New Heads Up on FASB's financial instruments project

05 Nov 2010

Deloitte (United States) has released a Heads Up discussing the feedback received by the FASB on its proposed Accounting Standards Update (ASU), Accounting for Financial Instruments and Revisions to the Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities.

The proposed ASU includes a comprehensive new model of accounting for financial assets and financial liabilities that addresses (1) recognition and measurement, (2) impairment, and (3) hedge accounting.

Although the FASB's proposed ASU is part of a joint project with the IASB, many respondents have expressed concern about the lack of convergence between the proposed ASU and the IASB's approach to the accounting for financial instruments.

Click for:

Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group launches website, makes documents public

04 Nov 2010

The Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG) has launched its website and made a number of papers available, including on Islamic finance.

The AOSSG is a regional platform to discuss problems and share experiences in the IFRS convergence process, participate in the development of IFRSs, and to make contributions to a single set of high quality global accounting standards. At a recent AOSSG meeting, Sir David Tweedie (IASB Chairman) noted input from the Asia-Oceanic region should be given more weight given the strong economic growth and developments throughout the region.

In addition to general information about the AOSSG, the website includes access to a number of AOSSG documents, including past submissions and research papers.

Of particular interest may be a research paper prepared on accounting issues associated with Islamic finance, including consideration of the application of IFRSs to Islamic finance transactions. An extract follows:

It is noted that in jurisdictions where Shariah interpretations espouse an approach that differ from IFRS requirements, standard-setters may have to accede to such interpretations, and allow or require departures from those requirements for Islamic financial transactions. Such departures may have implications on plans for convergence.

This Paper concludes that the challenge to standard-setters and stakeholders is to enhance the cross-border comparability of Islamic financial transactions, while being mindful of religious sensitivities. Although IFRS may be touted as being internationally accepted, there is resistance by those who believe that some IFRS principles are irreconcilable with their interpretation of Shariah, and that separate financial reporting principles are warranted.

The website (including access to the research paper noted above) can be found at www.aossg.org. We maintain an AOSSG page Here.

Roundtable meetings for the insurance contracts project – registration deadline extended

04 Nov 2010

As reported earlier, the IASB and FASB plan to hold several public roundtable meetings in December 2010 for the Insurance Contracts project.

The deadline for registration as participant or observer has now been extended until 15 November 2010.


Deloitte's new IASB Project Insights highlights key IASB activities for each project

04 Nov 2010

Deloitte's IFRS Global Office now publishes IASB Project Insights, which provides (in easily printed PDF format) a summary, by project, of:

  • Current status - brief background and current steps being undertaken
  • Key decisions and proposals - high-level summaries of decisions to date and any consultation documents published
  • 'Thinking ahead' - key considerations for entities given the status of the project
  • Next steps - forthcoming deadlines or due process steps to be undertaken and guidelines as to when the project may be finalised.

We've posted 17 separate documents, covering the key topics including revenue recognition, leases, insurance contracts, consolidation, financial instruments and more.

The documents will be updated on a regular basis as developments occur and represent a great way to stay in touch with particular IASB projects. Click here to access IASB Project Insights.

Stay in touch with our new IFRS on Point publication

04 Nov 2010

Deloitte's IFRS Global Office now publishes IFRS on Point, which highlights the month's critical financial reporting developments.

IFRS on Point is published monthly and provides a great way to catch up on the main IFRS-related news stories of the month.

You can find our first edition here October 2010 edition (PDF 76k).

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.