IASB staff draft of IFRS on Fair Value Measurement

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

20 Aug 2010

The IASB has posted to its website a staff draft of a forthcoming IFRS on fair value measurement, reflecting the tentative decisions made to date by the IASB and the FASB.

The IASB's initial exposure draft on fair value measurement was issued in May 2009 and has been followed up a number of requests for information and feedback, including an additional limited scope exposure draft issued in June 2010.

The IASB is not requesting comments on the staff draft, but notes the FASB issued a nearly identical proposed Accounting Standards Update (ASU) Amendments for Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRSs. Accordingly, constituents may wish to comment on the proposals by submitting a comment letter to the FASB prior to the end of the comment period for the proposed ASU (7 September 2010).

The IASB and FASB expect to jointly consider comments received in developing a joint standard, which is expected to be issued early in 2011. Click for:

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