Upcoming Deloitte webcast on lease accounting exposure draft

  • Webcast (mid blue) Image

20 Aug 2010

On Friday 10 September 2010, Deloitte (United States) will present a live webcast on the exposure draft Leases.

The webcast will discuss:

  • Key provisions and concepts for lessor and lessee accounting
  • Potential implications for organisations' operations and accounting systems
  • Timelines for the comment letter process, roundtable discussions, final draft, and adoption.

There is no charge to attend the web presentation, but you need to register to participate. Details:

  • Topic: FASB's Exposure Draft on Lease Accounting: A Closer Look at the Proposed Guidance
  • Date and time: 10 September, 2:00pm EDT (US)
  • More information about the leases project on IAS Plus: Click Here

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