Japanese edition of iGAAP 2010

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09 Aug 2010

Deloitte (Japan) has published a Japanese translation of the global edition of iGAAP 2010.

This three-volume set, in Japanese, includes all the content of the English edition of iGAAP 2010. The Japanese version covers the following topics:
  • Volume 1. Framework, financial statements, accounting policies, inventory, fixed assets, impairment of assets, leases, borrowing costs, provisions, revenue, construction contracts, share-based payments
  • Volume 2. Employee benefits, income taxes, consolidated and separate financial statements, business combinations, investments in associates, joint ventures, foreign currency, statement of cash flows, subsequent events, related party disclosures, operating segments, earnings per share, interim financial reporting, government grants, hyperinflation, agriculture, insurance, mineral exploration and evaluation, first-time adoption
  • Volume 3. Financial instruments - financial assets, financial liabilities and equity, derivatives, embedded derivatives, measurement, recognition and derecognition, hedge accounting, disclosure, first-time adoption

The publication can be purchased through LexisNexis online at http://lexisbookstore.jp/. Click to access all our Deloitte IFRS publications.

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Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.