2010 Corporate Responsibility Report
27 Dec 2010
Deloitte has published its 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report.
The report has been checked by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and also serves as Deloitte's Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact for 2009-2010. The performance measures for community investment and environment are based on widely recognized guidelines and offer an example of which performace measures and data can be used in integrated reporting:
- For reporting on community investment, standards from the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy and the London Benchmarking Group were observed:
- The monetary value of community activities by member firm people was estimated according to the type of service performed.
- The value of volunteer work is based on local member firms' staff cost.
- Pro bono work, defined as work that the member firms might otherwise sell but that was performed for free or at a discount below firm cost, has been valued at local member firms' market rate for client service, less whatever fees organizations might have paid.
- Estimates of carbon emissions were prepared according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol created by the World Resource Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Deloitte and the member firms have applied the most recent, authoritative, and locally specific carbon dioxide emissions factors available for the countries in the reoprt's scope.
- Performance data was obtained from financial reporting systems, other internal records, and outside sources such as travel agencies, utitlities, and property managers.
Click for acces to Deloitte's 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report. Our IAS Plus sustainability reporting page is available here.