Board and audit committee consideration of IFRSs

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19 Feb 2010

IFRSs continue to be an area of focus among US financial leaders in 2010. The movement toward IFRSs not only has challenged US regulators to revisit current public reporting requirements and the needs of investors, but has also raised important questions for US company leaders about how to navigate changes associated with the global accounting standards.

To help boards and audit committees stay current on this important and evolving topic, Deloitte (United States) has published IFRS: What Should Boards and Audit Committees be Considering Now? It addresses key questions and includes some practical guidance and updates. Sections include:
  • Foreword by Jim Quigley, Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
  • Where are we now?
  • What are US companies doing today?
  • What should boards and audit committees be considering?
  • A practical 'Issues Guide' outlining some potential accounting differences between IFRS and US GAAP, as well as presenting questions the board and audit committee can raise with management
Click to download IFRS: What Should Boards and Audit Committees be Considering Now? (PDF 623k). Many other Deloitte IFRS publications are Here.


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