Francoise Flores named as new EFRAG TEG Chair

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

17 Feb 2010

The Supervisory Board of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has named Francoise Flores of France as the new chair of the EFRAG Technical Expert Group (TEG) effective 1 April 2010. She will replace Deloitte Denmark Partner Stig Enevoldsen as TEG chair.

Ms Flores has been a member of TEG for six years and its vice-chair for two years. Mike Ashley of the UK has been appointed vice-chair of TEG. The Supervisory Board also announced several reappointments and several new appointments to TEG, including Deloitte UK Partner Andy Simmonds. TEG's responsibilities include providing a coordinated European response to IASB discussion documents and proposals and making a recommendation to the European Commission regarding acceptance or rejection of an IASB standard or interpretation for use in the EU. The complete TEG membership as of 1 April 2010 will be:

Voting members:

  • Francoise Flores, Industry, France, EFRAG TEG Chair
  • Mike Ashley, Auditor, UK, EFRAG TEG Vice-Chair
  • Alan Dangerfield, Industry, Switzerland
  • Gabi Ebbers, Insurance specialist, Germany
  • Nicklas Grip, Banking and financial instruments specialist, Sweden
  • Araceli Mora, Professor, Spain
  • Nicolas de Paillerets, Industry, France
  • Hans Schoen, former Auditor, The Netherlands
  • Andy Simmonds, Auditor, UK (appointed)
  • Anna Sirocka, Auditor, Poland
  • Andrea Toselli, Auditor, Italy
  • Carsten Zielke, User, Germany

Non-voting members:

  • Liesel Knorr – German Accounting Standards Board
  • Jerome Haas – Autorité des Normes Comptables (French standard setter)
  • Ian Mackintosh – UK Accounting Standards Board


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