IFRS for SMEs training materials published

  • IFRS for SMEs (mid blue) Image

19 Jan 2010

The International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation has published the first 12 modules of its comprehensive set of training materials for the IFRS for SMEs.

There will be one training module for each of the 35 sections in the IFRS for SMEs, and the remaining 23 modules are planned for release in the next few months. Each module is one PDF file and can be downloaded without charge from the IASCF Website.

Each module includes the following:

  • Introduction — an overview of the module, including:
    • Learning objectives — a description of the capabilities and competencies that the learner should attain by successfully completing the module.
    • The IFRS for SMEs and the material that accompanies, but does not form part of, the IFRS.
    • An overview of the requirements of the section ie a brief technical summary.
  • Requirements — the full text of the section of the IFRS for SMEs with added notes and worked examples. The notes and examples are designed to clarify and illustrate the requirements.
  • Significant estimates and other judgements — a discussion of significant estimates and other judgements in accounting for transactions and events in accordance with that section of the IFRS for SMEs.
  • Comparison with full IFRSs — a summary of the main differences between this section of the IFRS for SMEs and the corresponding full IFRS.
  • Test your knowledge — a collection of multiple-choice questions (with answers) designed to test the learner's knowledge of the requirements of this section of the IFRS for SMEs.
  • Apply your knowledge — a collection of case studies (with solutions) designed to develop the learner's ability to account for transactions and events in accordance with this section of the IFRS for SMEs.
Click here to go to the IASCF Web Page to Download the Training Materials. Available modules cover Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 24, 25, and 32 of the IFRS for SMEs. Click here for Press Release (PDF 103k).


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