Another record year for IAS Plus

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01 Jan 2010

In 2009 IAS Plus had 2,210,000 visitors. Thank you for making us, once again, the #1 source on the Internet for information about international financial reporting.

We wish you a very happy new year. Here are a few more statistics about IAS Plus in 2009:
  • Total page views: 6,810,000
  • Total website file size: 1,330mb
  • Total number of files: 6,619 files, including
    • 775 HTML web pages
    • 4,610 downloadable files (4,563 PDF, 30 ZIP, and 17 DOC)
    • 1,220 graphics files

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.