India-Japan Joint Working Group on IFRS

  • India Image
  • Japan Image

30 Jul 2010

Various government and accounting organisations from India and Japan have formed the India-Japan Joint Working Group as a common platform between the two countries to discuss IFRS-related matters. The first meeting of the Joint Working Group was held in Tokyo, Japan from 26-28 July 2010.

At the meeting, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed which primarily focuses on:

  • An exchange of views on legal and regulatory and other issues arising out of application of or convergence with IFRSs and exploring the possibilities of mutual cooperation
  • Addressing critical issues relating to application of, or convergence with, IFRSs and reaching consensus through a process of consultation mutually agreed to
  • Fostering a strong and cohesive profession by providing leadership on emerging issues, coordinating with global, other regional, intra-regional organisations, member bodies and associates to achieve appropriate strategic objectives.
The next meeting of the group will be held in India in 2011. Click for:

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