New publications from Deloitte (Brazil)

  • Brazil Image

30 Jul 2010

Deloitte Brazil has published Brazilian editions of IFRS for SMEs in your Pocket and 2009 Model financial statements, both in Portuguese.

The IFRS for SMEs is particularly relevant in Brazil mainly after the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding among the IASB, Brazilian Federal Council of Accounting (CFC) and the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) in January 2010, during a visit of Sir. David Tweedie (IASB Chairman) to Brazil.

In December 2009, the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) adopted a Portuguese version of the IFRS for SMEs as an option for SMEs in Brazil. By Resolution 1255 of 2009, the CPC's SME standard was endorsed by the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council (CFC), the national professional body.

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