IASB-FASB meeting – Agenda changes

  • 2010jul.gif Image

20 Jul 2010

The agenda for the July 2010 IASB meeting has been changed.

There have been changes to the agenda and running order for Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 July:
  • An additional Leases joint meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday
  • The Insurance Contracts joint meeting scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled
  • IAS 29 has moved to Thursday
  • The afternoon sessions on Thursday may be brought forward if the tentative Thursday Leases session is cancelled
  • An IFRS Advisory Council update has been added to the agenda for Wednesday
We have updated our page with the Next Meeting Agenda accordingly.


Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.