Joint meeting of two IASB advisory groups

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20 Jun 2010

The IASB's Analyst Representative Group and Global Preparers Forum will meet jointly with representatives of the IASB at the IASB's offices in London on Friday, 25 June 2010, from 10:00am to 15:30pm London time.

The meeting is open to public observation and will be webcast. The agenda for the meeting is presented below.
  • Analyst Representative Group (ARG): The ARG is a group of approximately 15 professional financial analysts who meet three times a year with representatives of the IASB to provide the views of professional investors on financial reporting issues. The ARG was formed in 2003.
  • Global Preparers Forum (GPF): The GPF is a group of representatives of companies that use IFRSs with whom the IASB meets several times a year. The purpose of the Global Preparers Forum is to provide input into concepts and proposals that the IASB is developing and offer advice to the IASB on the practical implications of its intended proposals for preparers of financial statements. The meetings are open to public observation.

Agenda for the Joint Meeting
Analyst Representative Group and Global Preparers Forum
25 June 2010, London

  • Work plan update
  • Financial Statement Presentation
  • Leases
  • Post-2011 IASB Agenda


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