IOSCO principles of data collection for hedge funds

  • IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) (dark gray) Image

15 Mar 2010

The International Organization of Securities Commissions' (IOSCO) Technical Committee has published details of an agreed template for the global collection of hedge fund information.

The template is intended to enable the collection and exchange of consistent and comparable data amongst regulators and other competent authorities to facilitate international supervisory cooperation in identifying possible systemic risks in this sector. IOSCO believes that participants are best monitored through their trading activities, the markets they operate in, funding and counterparty information, amongst others.

There are 11 proposed categories of information which incorporate both supervisory and systemic data and build on the data collection recommendations set out in its final report on Hedge Fund Oversight (June 2009). Those categories are:

  • General manager and adviser information
  • Performance and investor information related to covered funds
  • Assets under management
  • Gross and net product exposure and asset class concentration
  • Gross and net geographic exposure
  • Trading and turnover issues
  • Asset/liability issues
  • Borrowing
  • Risk issues
  • Credit counterparty exposure
  • Other issues
IOSCO recommends that the first data gathering exercise should be carried out on a best efforts basis (given pending legislation in many jurisdictions) in September 2010. Click for:

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