Deloitte webcast on IFRSs in the USA

  • Webcast (mid blue) Image

01 May 2010

On 11 May 2010, Deloitte (United States) will host a free live Dbriefs webcast titled International Financial Reporting Standards: Key Steps Companies Should Consider Taking Now. In light of the SEC's recent statement in support of moving to IFRSs, as well as proposed changes to statutory reporting requirements for US companies with international subsidiaries, many companies are asking what practical steps can be taken to prepare for IFRS and when?

This webcast will discuss:
  • Identification of time-sensitive IFRS activities.
  • Ways to address potential process and system implications of IFRSs
  • Possible implications to global cash tax and tax planning
  • Statutory IFRS requirements in international jurisdictions such as the UK and Brazil


  • Webcast Topic: IFRSs: Key Steps Companies Should Consider Taking Now
  • Date and Time: Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 3:00-4:00pm US EDT
  • Host: Rich Rorem, Principal - Deloitte Consulting LLP
  • More Information and Registration: Click Here



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