IAASB releases report on International Standards on Auditing, issues further implementation support materials

  • International Auditing (lt green) Image

04 Nov 2010

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) has released a progress report on its project to monitor the implementation of its clarified International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).

The report highlights key findings from the first phase of the IAASB's initiative to develop a process for gathering information to help it evaluate the effective and consistent implementation of the 'clarified' ISAs — a new style for ISAs that is designed to be easier to understand, translate, and implement.

To promote awareness and understanding of the clarified ISAs, the IAASB also has released a second series of ISA modules, focusing on some of the new and more significantly revised ISAs. The ISA modules combine short video presentations, accompanying slides, and supporting notes explaining the key principles of, and major changes in, individual ISAs.

Click here for IFAC Press Release (IFAC website), which includes a link to download the report and IAS modules.

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