New Zealand moving away from the IFRS for SMEs
27 Oct 2010
The New Zealand Accounting Standard Review Board (ASRB) has released an updated summary of its 'Reporting by For-Profit Entities' project, which seeks to implement an updated differential reporting framework for New Zealand entities.
The New Zealand Accounting Standard Review Board (ASRB) has released an updated summary of its 'Reporting by For-Profit Entities' project, which seeks to implement an updated differential reporting framework for New Zealand entities.
At its July 2010 meeting, the ASRB agreed to establish an Working Group involving the ASRB, New Zealand Financial Reporting Standards Board (FRSB) and New Zealand Securities Commission to consider key issues.
The October 2010 ASRB meeting considered and agreed with the Working Group's recommendations, which include the need to operationalise the IASB "public accountability" definition in the New Zealand context, and the benefit of having a consistent set of recognition and measurement requirements across the 'tier' structure. Accordingly, this means New Zealand is unlikely to adopt the IFRS for SMEs but will instead require IFRS recognition and measurement requirements for all entities, with disclosure relief for particularly classes of entities.
New Zealand and Australia are working together on cross-Tasman harmonisation and this development may be a key plank in achieving consistent reporting requirements between the two countries, as the 'tiered' approach has recently been adopted in Australia. Proposals for the revised regime are expected to be issued in 2011 after further NZ-Australia discussions.
Click for:
- ASRB project summary (link to ASRB website)
- Our New Zealand country page