Joint IASB-FASB webcast on financial statement presentation

  • Webcast (mid blue) Image

10 Sep 2010

The IASB and FASB have released a recorded webcast ('webinar') on the Financial Statement Presentation project, in particular the Boards' decisions on the statement of cash flows reflected in the July 2010 staff draft of the forthcoming exposure draft arising from the project.

The webinar discusses the Boards' rationale in developing the proposals, changes from the October 2008 Discussion Paper and changes from current practice.

The recorded webcast is presented by Patricia McConnell (IASB) and Marc Siegel (FASB). It is offered free of charge (registration is required) and will be available for viewing until 9 December 2010. Click for:


Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.