Push for sustainability reporting

  • Globe (green) Image

21 Apr 2011

The push towards the more widespread adoption of sustainability reporting continues, with two recent developments.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has launched the 'Report or Explain Campaign Forum' to encourage more companies to be transparent about their impacts on the world. The Campaign Forum spotlights initiatives that are driving a 'report or explain approach' to sustainability reporting, and features an information bank on global policy developments.

Carbon Action is a new investor led initiative from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to request companies to implement cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The world's largest companies in the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (the Global 500) are being sent a request to join the Carbon Action programme. Companies will be asked to demonstrate their actions by disclosing them, including any examples of best practice, through the established 2011 CDP information system.

The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) is working towards presenting an integrated reporting proposal to the G20 later in 2011, which may include a 'report or explain' regulatory proposal. The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB), of which the CDP is the Secretariat, and the GRI are both involved in the IIRC. Click for:


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