Japan 'designates' additional IFRSs

  • Japan Image

07 Apr 2011

On 6 April 2011, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan announced additional IFRSs designated for use by companies voluntarily applying IFRSs in Japan.

On 11 December 2009, the Commissioner of the FSA designated the entire IFRSs including IFRIC Interpretations issued by the IASB on or before 30 June 2009. During 2010, the FSA updated the list of IFRSs designated for use for all IFRSs released through 30 June 2010.

This announcement adds the following IFRSs released between 1 July and 31 December 2010 to the list of 'designated IFRSs':

  • IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (amendment)
  • IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures (amendment)
  • IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (amendment)
  • IAS 12 Income Taxes (amendment).

Click for FSA announcement (link to the FSA website, in Japanese).

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