GRI calls for input into sustainability reporting guidelines and first country annex

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08 Sep 2011

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has called for comments on the proposed 'fourth generation' of its Sustainability Reporting Guidelines ("G4") and the first version of GRI's Guidelines tailored specifically for a country.

The GRI's 'Sustainability Reporting Framework' includes Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, which are currently in their third version ("G3" and an updated "G3.1") and can be followed by entities in preparing sustainability reports. Annexes and supplements provide guidance in particular areas.

The G4 guidelines are expected to address new requirements for sustainability data, and improve on the content in the current G3 and G3.1 guidelines with strengthened technical definitions and improved clarity (see our earlier story). The initial 'public comment period' on the G4 guidelines invites feedback, through an online survey, on the inclusion of proposed sustainability topics, and the potential shape of G4. The survey runs for 90 days and closes on 24 November 2011.

GRI has also published a 'Brazilian National Annex' for public comment, the first version of GRI's Guidelines that is tailored specifically for a country. The deadline for submission of feedback on the National Annex is 25 October 2011.

The GRI also supports the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) which is developing proposals for an integrated reporting framework. The IIRC is expected to publish a Discussion Paper in the near future.

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