EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group calls for new members

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

12 Jun 2012

EFRAG has put out a call for new applicants for its Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG) because some of the members of the existing working group are unable to continue their membership.

The purpose of the EFRAG FIWG "is to advise and provide other input to EFRAG TEG’s discussions on all aspects of financial instrument financial reporting matters to support EFRAG influencing the development of IFRS and IFRS interpretations on financial instruments specific matters and their application within Europe through technical analysis and consultation with organisation representatives of the financial services world in Europe and others". The size of the group is limited to up to 15 members.

The EFRAG FIWG meets once every two months (or as necessary) in Brussels.

For more information, see the press release on the EFRAG website.

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