New composition of the EFRAG Supervisory Board announced

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

22 Nov 2012

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has posted to its website information concerning the new composition of the EFRAG Supervisory Board. Among the newly appointed private sector members is Stig Enevoldsen, Partner with Deloitte (Denmark) and former EFRAG Chairman.

The term of all members of the EFRAG Supervisory Board expired late September 2012. Following the recommendations of the EFRAG Governance and Nominating Committee, the EFRAG General Assembly appointed and reappointed in its meetings of 25 October and 20 November the 14 private sector members of the EFRAG Supervisory Board. All members are appointed for a 3-year mandate. The public policy members of the EFRAG Supervisory Board, including the Chairman, will be announced in December following the conclusion of the EC nomination process.

Please click for a list of all private sector members of the EFRAG Supervisory Board on the EFRAG website.

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