EFRAG Update with a summary of the October 2012 EFRAG meetings

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

10 Oct 2012

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has released the October 2012 issue of its EFRAG Update newsletter.

The newsletter contains a summary from the EFRAG meeting held in October 2012 between the EFRAG Technical Expert Group and Consultative Forum of Standard Setters. The topics discussed were:

  • The FRC note for the IFRIC’s The Sharman Report and disclosure of material uncertainties under IFRS,
  • Update on IAS 28,
  • EFRAG operational and due process improvements,
  • Update on the latest developments on the proposed EU Accounting Directive,
  • IFRIC draft interpretation Put-option written on non-controlling interests,
  • Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants paper Toward a Measurement Framework for Financial Reporting by Profit-Orientated Entities,
  • Autorité des Normes Comptables paper Proposals for Accounting for GHG Emissions Rights reflecting companies’ business models,
  • IASB Review Draft General Hedge Accounting,
  • IASB Project Leases, and
  • EFRAG’s Proactive Project The Role of the Business Model in Financial Reporting.

Click for the EFRAG Update (link to EFRAG website).

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