Agenda for July 2013 IASB meeting
14 Jul 2013
The IASB has released the initial agenda for its meeting to be held at its offices in London on 23-25 July 2013. Discussions will include joint sessions with the FASB on financial instruments (classification and measurement and impairment) and revenue recognition, and IASB-only sessions on most of the joint session topics, plus rate regulation, macro hedging, the post-implementation review of IFRS 3, IFRS for SMEs, and a number of narrow scope amendments.
The IASB has also previously scheduled an education session for 18 July 2013. Whilst this session remains in the IASB's meetings diary, no agenda has been released for this session, and an education session on revenue recognition has been included in the main meeting*.
The full agenda for the main meeting, dated 12 July 2013, can be found here. We will post any updates to the agenda, and our Deloitte observer notes from the meeting, on this page as they are available.
* The 18 July education session was subsequently removed from the IASB's meetings diary.