SASB announces corporate sustainability pilot program

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30 Sep 2013

The US Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has launched a corporate pilot program to help companies use SASB standards to disclose material environmental, social and governance issues in their annual filings to the SEC.

The pilot program is open to publicly listed US corporations that operate in the health care and financial sectors. Ten companies will be selected to participate in the pilot program, which will begin in first quarter of 2014. Over the next three years, SASB anticipates that it will run pilot programs for a total of 10 sectors.

Companies will come away with an appreciation for the legal framework governing Form 10-K disclosures, an understanding of their current quality of disclosure and readiness to report, and the ability to recognise and disclose material sustainability factors using SASB industry standards.

Click for the press release (link to the SASB website).

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