Recent GRI developments

  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) (green) Image

11 Nov 2013

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has announced several new developments on the “G4 Online” tool, monitoring program, G4 XBRL taxonomy, and sustainability.

The GRI has announced the launch of “G4 Online”, an Internet- based tool that aims to help companies create sustainability reports which follow the G4 guidelines. On the free-access website, the GRI guidelines are comprehensively presented in a dynamic and easy-to-navigate structure. The tool is tailored for users who are directly involved in a G4 reporting process.

Also, the GRI has launched a monitoring program which aims to gather feedback on the implementation of the G4 guidelines as companies transition from G3/G3.1 to G4. The G4 Monitoring Program has many ways for organisations to provide their feedback, in particular, a general feedback questionnaire.

In addition, the GRI has announced the launch of a fully developed XBRL taxonomy for the G4 guidelines. The G4 Taxonomy 2013 provides more reliability and consistency of information in sustainability reporting. It also increases the rate of data collection, aggregation, and analysis.

Further, the GRI has created a publication on unique sustainability issues for various sectors. It provides a list of topics for 52 business activities groups. Organisations can use the information gathered by the publication to analyse what information may be included in their reports.

For additional information, please see the following press releases (links to GRI website):

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