FEE factsheet on the EU Directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information

  • FEE (Federation of European Accountants - Fédération des Experts-comptables Européens) (lt green) Image
  • Leaf - sustainability (green) Image

16 Jul 2014

The Federation of European Accountants (Fédération des Experts-comptables Européens, FEE) has published a factsheet on the EU Directive that will require certain large companies to provide additional information on social and environmental matters.

The amendments to European accounting legislation had been proposed by the European Commission in April 2013 and adopted by Parliament in April 2014. They currently await adoption by the Council and publication in the Official Journal of the European Union after which they will become law. Current expected transposition date for EU Member States is autumn 2016.

The FEE factsheet outlines key aspects of the new legislation. Please click to download it from the FEE website.

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