IAESB proposes revised framework for International Education Standards

  • IAESB (International Accounting Education Standards Board) (lt gray) Image

25 Jul 2014

The International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) has released for public exposure proposed revisions to its Framework for International Education Standards (IES).

The proposed Framework is split into four sections:

  1. Identification of the purpose and scope.
  2. Explanation of concepts in the IESs.
  3. Description of the nature of the IESs and related IAESB publications.
  4. Role of IFAC members related to the IESs.

The proposal is part of the IAESB’s initiative to improve the relevancy, clarity, and consistency of its standards by redrafting all eight IESs in accordance with its new drafting conventions. To date, IESs 1 to 6, as well as the redrafting of IES 7, have been completed. The IES 8 revision is expected in the fourth quarter of 2014.

Comments are requested by 27 October 2014.

For more information, see the press release and the revised framework on the IFAC’s website.

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