Free access to research papers in renowned accounting journals
18 Aug 2014
In an effort to promote accounting research, the publisher Taylor & Francis Online has pulled together an online collection of highly cited articles from accounting journals in 2013 and 2014. At the same time, the publisher SAGE has made freely available articles on accounting history that were the most-read during the month of July 2014.
The Taylor & Francis research papers are sourced from Accounting and Business Research, Accounting Education, Accounting in Europe, China Journal of Accounting Studies, and European Accounting Review. Among the 25 articles are contributions on "A Multi-Issue/Multi-Period Analysis of the Geographic Diversity of IASB Comment Letter Participation", "Intended and Unintended Consequences of Mandatory IFRS Adoption: A Review of Extant Evidence and Suggestions for Future Research", and "The continued survival of international differences under IFRS". Access to all research papers is available here (link to Taylor & Francis Online).
The papers made freely available by SAGE include articles, editorials and book reviews sourced from Accounting History and are devoted to accounting topics from 800 AD to the financial crisis. Access to all research papers is available here (link to SAGE publishers online). Please note that free access to these papers expires on 31 August 2014.