EFRAG seeks applicants for Chairman, CEO and TEG members

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

04 Aug 2015

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is seeking a Chairman for the organisation and for its Technical Expert Group (TEG), as well as nominees for membership on the TEG.

The present term of the TEG Chairman (Francoise Flores) expires on 31 March 2016, and the terms of six of the sixteen TEG members (including the Chairman) also expire on that date. Candidates should submit their candidatures by 8 October 2015 at the very latest.

The function of EFRAG TEG Chairman is currently combined with the function of CEO of
EFRAG. However, the EFRAG Statutes and Internal Rules would allow for the separation of the function of EFRAG TEG Chairman and CEO of EFRAG.

More information is available on the EFRAG website:

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