EFRAG Technical Expert Group (TEG)


The Technical Expert Group (TEG) of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has the following functions:

    • Pro-active contribution to the work of IASB: Pro-active coordination of European standard setters, accounting profession, users and preparers so as to contribute to and influence the IASB standard setting process efficiently. The mechanism should normally provide the IASB with submissions on any discussion paper or exposure draft issued by the IASB or IFRS Interpretations Committee. It would also contribute to the development of technical and conceptual papers on emerging topics that would be brought to the attention of the IASB.
    • Initiating changes to the EU Accounting Directives: To help the Commission in their assessment of possible non-conformity of an IAS or SIC with EU Accounting Directives and recommending appropriate changes to the Directives.
    • Technical assessment of the IASB standards and interpretations: Making a recommendation to the European Commission regarding acceptance or rejection of an IASB standard or interpretation for application in the EU.
    • Implementation guidance: Identification of issues for which the IASB general interpretation guidance (that is, Interpretations) is not sufficient to ensure consistent application of a given standard in the EU. The mechanism would communicate such situations to the IASB and urge it to identify appropriate solutions. Also, in cooperation with European securities markets supervisors, the mechanism would develop implementation guidance specifically relevant to EU listed companies.


Technical Expert Group meetings

The EFRAG Technical Expert Group (TEG) is coordinating the dates of its meetings with those of the IASB, generally holding meetings (which are open to public observation) during the week preceding the IASB Board meeting, normally in Brussels). For one day each quarter, the TEG meets with the European national standard setters.

Please see EFRAG website for a list of current TEG members.



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