EFRAG Pension Plans Advisory Panel membership announced

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

28 Feb 2017

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has announced the composition of its pension plans advisory panel.

The advisory panel will provide “expert advice on EFRAG’s research project to investigate possible improvements to the current requirements in relation to pension plans where the promised benefit is linked to the return on specified assets.” The composition is as follows:

  • Nicklas Grip, Chairman, EFRAG TEG Vice-Chairman
  • Vincent Caire, preparer
  • André Geilenkothen, industry
  • Selim Gogus, user
  • Heinz Hense, EFRAG TEG member
  • Patrice Kalfon, consultant
  • Anne Laning, industry
  • Gabriel van de Luitgaarden, preparer
  • Kazim Razvi, user
  • Geert De Ridder, auditor
  • Jean-François Vaccaro, preparer
  • Julián Villanueva Lara, user

In addition, observer status has been granted to the European Commission, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, the European Securities and Market Authority, and PensionsEurope.

For more information, see the press release on the EFRAG’s website.

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