ICAEW briefing paper on IFRS 9 for banks

  • ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) (lt green) Image

06 Sep 2017

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) has published a briefing paper for analysts and other market participants on IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments'. The paper is accompanied by a shorter briefing note for a non-technical audience.

The briefing paper covers:

  • Development of IFRS 9 and expected loss accounting
  • Regulatory expected loss
  • Staging of provisions
  • Complexities of presenting and understanding the new information

The briefing note covers an understanding of the role of banks, changes required by IFRS 9 and the expected effect on banks in applying its requirements.

Please click for the two documents on the ICAEW website:

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