EFRAG publishes report on the perception of its work in the financial reporting community

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

07 Mar 2018

In the fourth quarter of 2017, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) commissioned an independent perception survey to gauge awareness of its work in the financial reporting community and provide a snapshot of the organisation's progress in delivering on its European public interest mission. ​​​

The survey was addressed to and received responses from:

  • National (EU and non-EU) financial reporting standard-setters,
  • Private sector accountancy firms and associations,
  • Users of financial reporting standards, and
  • Think-tanks, NGOs, and international organisations.

Findings are structured around seven key areas:

  1. EFRAG’s visibility,
  2. Inclusiveness and transparency of EFRAG’s work,
  3. Quality of EFRAG’s research work,
  4. EFRAG’s perceived influence on financial reporting standards,
  5. EFRAG’s endorsement work,
  6. Serving the European public interest, and
  7. Future areas of EFRAG focus.

The report finds that the European financial reporting community see EFRAG as being effective in its three core activities of upstream influence, improving IFRS and providing endorsement advice. Stakeholders also confirm the high quality of EFRAG's work while they are suggesting that EFRAG should seek to boost its visibility and join the wider debate on corporate reporting.

Please click to access the press release and the final report on the EFRAG website.

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