IFRS Foundation Monitoring Board publishes work plan

  • MB (Monitoring Board) (blue) Image

19 Apr 2018

The IFRS Foundation Monitoring Board (MB), responsible for the oversight of the IFRS Foundation, has published its 2018-2019 work plan.

The Monitoring Board's planned activities are organised into two sections:

  • Reviewing the Trustees’ oversight of the IASB
    • review and comment on the Trustees ́ plan for the review of the IASB ́s due process arrangements
    • continue the dialogue with the Trustees on accounting matters of broad public interest for consideration by the IASB
  • Monitoring and conferring with the Trustees on their responsibilities
    • continue its ongoing dialogue with Trustees on the efforts to strengthen the governance framework of the IFRS Foundation
    • follow up of the IFRS Reputation research report
    • discuss the progress and results of the IFRS Foundation’s exercise to identify and evaluate its operational risks
    • continue to review the adequacy and appropriateness of the Trustees’ arrangements for the IFRS Foundation’s funding
    • participate and provide input and help to the IFRS Foundation nomination and approval process for Trustee candidates, including the Chair

The work plan is available on the IASB's website.

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