CRD releases paper on SDGs and the future of corporate reporting

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01 Mar 2019

The Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD), which brings together organisations that have significant international influence on the corporate reporting landscape, has a position paper supporting the development of better reporting guidelines for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Participants of the CRD advocate working together to provide guidance and structure for businesses to be transparent and accountable, and to ensure better decision-making that promote financial stability and sustainable development.

The paper, entitled SDGs and the future of corporate reporting, identifies how corporate reporting can illustrate which SDGs are relevant to a company’s business model, enabling both companies and investors to focus on those SDGs most likely to impact financial performance. The paper also articulates the importance of driving integration of financial and non-financial information to demonstrate how companies create value for stakeholders over the short and long term. In addition, the paper outlines the work that the particpants of the CRD, as framework providers and standard-setters, must undertake to ensure there is guidance for business at the level of the underlying SDG targets and to ensure that businesses are producing meaningful information and indicators.

Please click for the press release and the position paper on the IIRC website.

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