• United Nations (UN) Image

23 Oct 2020

The thirty-seventh session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR) will be held in a hybrid format (allowing participation in Geneva in person as well as remotely) on 2 - 6 November 2020.

The two main topics for the meeting will be:

  • Practical implementation, including measurement, of core indicators for entity reporting on the contribution towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals: Review of case studies
  • Climate-related financial disclosures in mainstream entity reporting: good practices and key challenges

The background papers for these two topics are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Russian and can be accessed here. The programme for the event can be accessed here. The keynote address on the second topic will be given by Erkki Liikanen, Chair of the IFRS Foundation Trustees.

The workshop before the ISAR meeting this year (30 October 2020) will focus on "Assurance on sustainability reports: current practices and challenges“. Please click for more information here.

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