EFRAG-IASB joint webinar on business combinations and subsequent accounting for goodwill – summary report

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

04 Nov 2020

On 16 October 2020, EFRAG, along with the IASB, hosted an outreach event to discuss business combinations and the subsequent accounting for goodwill. A summary report is now available.

The online event covered the following topics:

  • Improving disclosure about business combinations;
  • improvements to the goodwill impairment test; and
  • a possible reintroduction of amortisation of goodwill.

During the discussion, participants from a range of backgrounds such as enforcement, auditing, academia, valuation and preparation of accounts, shared their views and concerns around the proposals contained in the Discussion Paper Business Combinations —  Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment.

Please click to access the summary report on the EFRAG website.

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