Recordings and pre-conference video updates of the September WSS meeting

  • WSS (World Standard Setters) (mid blue) Image

01 Oct 2021

The next World Standard-setters meeting was held on 27–28 September 2021 as a fully virtual conference. Recordings of the individual sessions are now available on the IASB website.

The meeting saw presentations on the following topics:

  • Q&A on sustainability reporting
  • Welcome address by the new IASB Chair
  • How has the pandemic changed engagement with the IFRS Foundation?
  • The future of the IASB work plan — Agenda consultation: what’s next?
  • Q&A on IASB and IFRS IC activities
  • Towards a revised Management commentary Practice Statement

In addition, WSS participants received pre-conference video updates on certain topics that can also be watched now.

The recordings can be accessed through the conference site on the IASB website. You will need to sign in, however, the free-of-charge basic registration suffices to watch the recordings.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.